Math in Pop Culture

Math shows up in TV and Movies. This page will provide links to some of my favorite mathematics references.

In the 1939 film classic The Wizard of Oz, the Wizard gifts the Scarecrow with a brain. To demonstrate his instant intelligence once he holds his honorary degree in Think-ology, the Scarecrow spews out the Pythagorean Theorem. However, he made several mistakes in his statement. (Be sure to follow up with the Simpsons episode that pokes fun of this theatrical error!)

In Season 5 / Episode 10 of the Simpsons, the writers make fun of the Scarecrow’s 1939 Pythagorean Theorem errors. Homer Simpson pulls a pair of “smart people glasses” from a public toilette and becomes instantly intelligent. To demonstrate his intelligence, he attempts to state the Pythagorean Theorem, yet he makes some of the same errors that the Wizard of Oz’s Scarecrow made.

This is a fun and upbeat Pythagorean Theorem song taken from a short clip in the 1958 Danny Kaye film titled “Merry Andrew”.